Friday, February 24, 2012

Pudgy Tummy’s Out

A pudgy tummy has become a problem for most of the women, especially after giving birth. Often times, it’s a lot difficult to get rid of those with all the pending jobs women do. She works at the office, she’s a mom at home. How would you think she’d have time to lose those flabs?

But if you’re a woman, and have already decided to lose weight, it is important to learn some tummy exercises. While men’s health programs aim to develop a “six-pack” abs, women’s goal is to get a firmer and tighter tummy.

The first thing you should understand is that these tummy exercises is just part of a bigger picture of losing weight and getting healthy. Even if you do a lot of crunches every day, if you’re not exercising the rest of the body and eating healthful foods, you sure won’t get your desired weight.

To get rid of the layer of fat which covers your abs, here are two tummy exercises that will help you do so. First is what we call “the crunch.” It is a small movement which will have great results if done efficiently. You need to lie on your back with bent knees. Remember to keep your feet and back flat and have your shoulders width apart. Then, raise your upper body a few inches from the floor, descend back down, and repeatedly do so. Exhale as you go down to learn to exercise breathing.

Another effective tummy exercise is the “Ball Crunch.” You will need a large blow-up ball which can be bought in Wal-Mart for about $10-$20. The aim of this exercise is to balance your body while sitting in the edge of the ball. Your bum should be placed on the edge which looks like you’re almost falling off.

If you do these tummy exercises for twenty minutes a day, a tighter tummy can be achieved. Of course, do not forget to combine these with good diet and a cardio exercise program so you’d feel sexier and healthier in no time. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Do you have PMS?

Irritable feeling, wanting a sour food, feeling cramps on your stomach…. These are just few of the syndromes women feel when their monthly visitor is about to come. Scientifically, it is called pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS.

But before you can be certain you have PMS, you need to make a journal on your observations when your period is about to come for about 2 to 3 months. A PMS diagnosis is a combination of behavioural, mental, and physical symptoms. The journal will help your health care provider to determine your cyclic nature which will help you if something is wrong with your health or menstrual cycle.

But when trying to jot down these symptoms, remember that it usually occurs after Day 13 from the day you had your period. Symptoms may vary from every woman ranging from mild to severe symptoms. This may even last even on the 4th day of the menstrual cycle calendar.

To help you identify those, here are some which usually appears on women. Physically, you may feel sore and tender breasts, headache, and swelling. Mentally, you may experience fatigue, irritability, angry outbursts, confusion, and even social withdrawal.

Unfortunately, women will apparently be dysfunctional in her social and/or economic performance. People may notice women having PMS become sensitive in marital/relationship issues, school/work performance, family issues, decreases social activity and may even contemplate on having suicide.

Yes! That’s how PMS may become if severe. Thus, the people around women should understand how the menstrual cycle works and how women’s health may also be at risk because of these difficulties.